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Presenting Sponsor - Imperial

Imperial is an integrated energy company that has proudly operated in Ontario and Canada for over 140 years. It explores for, produces, refines, and markets products essential to society. Imperial was founded in 1880 about an hour-and-a-half from Waterdown in London, Ontario.


As part of its efforts to ensure a safe and reliable fuels supply, Imperial’s Waterdown to Finch Project is proactively replacing approximately 63 kilometres of its Sarnia Products Pipeline between Hamilton and Toronto. The segment is part of a critical logistics system that brings gasoline, diesel and jet fuel manufactured at Imperial’s Sarnia refinery to the GTHA. Imperial has completed all construction activities in Waterdown and we're thankful to our neighbours, local businesses and community members for their patience as we enhance the long-term safety and reliability of our existing operations.


Imperial has proudly sponsored the Waterdown Ribfest in the past and is honoured to be the Presenting Sponsor in 2021. Being a part of events like this is an amazing opportunity for us at Imperial to further connect with the Waterdown community, as many of our employees work and live in the area.

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