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Plan Your Walk-Up Ribfest Visit

Like many businesses and activities, the Oh Canada Ribfest committee had to readjust the way we do things this year.  This means a much smaller event with a focus on the star of the show: those delicious ribs!

Here's what to expect at our Walk-Up Ribfest:

• Walk-Up Ribfest will be operating Friday, Aug. 6 from 4-8 p.m.,  Saturday, Aug. 7 from noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 8 from noon to 5 p.m.


• Meals will be takeout only. We will not be setting up tables or tents for guests. We encourage visitors to pick up meals for their backyard rib party at home, or bring along everything they need to enjoy a family picnic in the park.

• This year's event features 2 of our most popular ribbers: Boss Hog's and Ribs Royale

• Pop and water will be available for purchase, cash or tap payment available. There will not be a beer tent this year.

• New this year: Both ribbers will offer a contactless payment option as well as cash purchases.

• The focus this year is on keeping our guests and volunteers safe. COVID-19 protocols will be in place. These include:

  • Providing hand sanitizer for guests and volunteers

  • Wiping down contact areas with sanitizer

  • Ribbers (where possible) and volunteers will be wearing masks; masks are NOT required for guests

  • Social distancing of 2 metres in the serving area

  • Contact tracing for volunteers

• Walk-Up Ribfest is a non-smoking (and non-vaping) event.


• There will be no live entertainment this year.

• Rotary volunteers will be on hand to assist with any questions. They will also be accepting donations (cash or contactless payment) to support local and international Rotary initiatives. Be sure to say "Hi" and consider making a contribution. To find out more about Rotary in the community, click here.

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