Waterdown's Ribfest Goes Virtual
Summer is coming... In normal times, that means meeting up with friends and family at Memorial Park, enjoying some of your favourite...
Ribfest and COVID-19
With the health and wellbeing of the community at top of mind, the steering committee of Waterdown’s Oh Canada Ribfest has made the...

Thanks for a great Ribfest!
What do you get when you have four days, six ribbers, 40 vendor booths, hundreds of volunteers, and sunny 25-plus degree weather? A...

Parking etiquette at Ribfest
I am one of the lucky ones who live within reasonable walking distance of Memorial Park, which means I usually leave my car at home...

Trash talking
It really is a messy job...but every year a dedicated team of Rotarians and community volunteers work all weekend long during Ribfest to...

Make the most of your Ribfest visit
Every year, I make a Ribfest checklist: which ribbers I want to try, which bands I want to see, where I want to sit to watch the...

Have fun and give back to the community
From the opening on Friday afternoon until closing time on Monday, Waterdown's Oh Canada Ribfest is jam-packed with food, activities and...

Old favourites and new additions
One of the positive things about organizing a long-running event is being able to build on success. And now in our 10th year, Waterdown's...

Sponsors help Ribfest provide fun for local families
You might think Ribfest makes a lot of money off, well, the ribs. And while they are the big draw for Canada Day weekend (and...

Waterdown's annual Ribfest is a huge success because of our volunteers. From set-up-up to clean up, the four-day event in Memorial Park...